What is the most important thing to consider when optimising a search engine marketing campaign?

Digital marketing is gaining a lot of popularity as it can help companies boost traffic on their websites and generate leads. In addition, businesses embrace search engine marketing techniques by targeting specific locations, user intent, and keywords.

Why are search engines a great place for a business to be found?

Search engine marketing can help you target users with high transactional intent. Getting improved visibility on search results can help you focus on bottom-of-the-funnel users to convert them into potential customers for your business. 

But why should businesses opt for search engine marketing?

Search engine marketing can help your company get a prominent place in the search results. In addition, SEM can provide faster results and are highly recommended for companies looking to boost their traffic rapidly over the shorter term by getting a fast ROI for their business.

In addition to increased exposure and better visibility, SEM also allows you to control how your marketing communication is presented, such as call-to-action, bullet points, pricing, etc.

What is a search engine marketing campaign?

A search engine marketing campaign is a digital marketing strategy that helps businesses place ads on search engines such as Google or Bing that help them appear on top of the search engine results page for relevant queries.

A company has to bid on keywords that they want to target and are charged only if they click on the displayed ad. Paid search ads have an “ad” label on them to indicate that it is a paid placement and can also be displayed as a featured carousel in case of product listings.

What is the most important thing to consider when optimizing a search engine marketing campaign?

The success of any search engine marketing campaign relies on how it persuades the users to click on the ad.

However, just awareness isn’t enough. You want those searchers to convert to potential leads, and hence, how you design your ad and landing page becomes an integral part of determining the effectiveness of your search engine marketing campaign.

Thus, the most important factors that one should consider when optimizing a search engine marketing campaign include:

  1. The relevance of keywords
  2. The structure and framing of the search ad
  3. Landing page

How do you create a successful SEM campaign?

SEM campaign focuses on three important aspects mentioned earlier: Keywords, ads, and the landing page. It is best to create an SEM campaign that focuses on your target audience and gets maximum conversions for your business. Here are some of the steps that can help you launch a successful SEM campaign:
  1. Analyze your target audience
  2. Leverage the power of negative keywords
  3. Structure your ads properly
  4. Experiment with your ads
  5. Engage the user with your landing page

  • Analyze your target audience

It is very important to understand your target audience thoroughly to get more specific keywords to optimize each click. Comprehensive research can help you frame keywords based on specific shopping habits, purchase requirements, and even pain points your target audience encounters during their purchase cycle.

Researching your audience would help you segment your campaign more effectively based on age, geographic location, and even hobbies. More specific and targeted campaigns will eventually generate more leads and increase conversions.

  • Leverage the power of negative keywords

Using negative keywords helps you prevent your ad from showing up in irrelevant searches. Suppose you have already performed an ad campaign before. In that case, it is best to analyze the results of previous campaigns and identify the keywords that are attracting the wrong set of customers.

 These might be keywords that aren’t focused on conversions or are rather irrelevant. By effectively leveraging the power of negative keywords, you can experience an improved conversion rate and a better quality score.

  • Structure your ads properly

Your campaign structure should support your business goals. One or more ad groups make up a campaign, allowing you to group linked keywords and specific the landing page. Ensure that the ad copy is relevant to the keywords in the ad group and reflects the specific search intent being targeted.

  • Experiment with your ads

It is important to experiment with your ads by performing an AB split test. Try to perform a test run to see which ad is more effective at compelling the user to click on it. Many search engines allow you to choose this option for free or at a reduced rate.

  • Engage the user with your landing page

A landing page can play a pivotal role in converting the customer. Ensure that your website’s landing page is:

  1. Responsive and loads fast
  2. Has a smooth user interface
  3. Features a compelling call-to-action
  4. Uses the same tone as your ad
  5. Highlights your unique selling proposition
  6. Lists the benefits of your product/service
  7. Optimized for mobile
Search engine marketing can help you get more willing customers to your site and Fastrack your business growth. Majorbrains is a leading search engine optimization company in Pune, offering various PPC services in India. If you need help in crafting effective search engine marketing campaigns, feel free to approach us.


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